Smart retire
Keystone making retirement simple
Research has found that many people are worried about running out of money or making bad choices as they approach retirement age. Others don't understand the options that are available to them when they access their pension savings.
Our decumulation tool Smart Retire is a clear, simple way for members to plan what to do with their pension savings and gives them the flexibility to manage their money in retirement.
To find out more and get started, head over to the
Smart Retire UK website or the Smart Retire Australia website.
If you are interested in using Smart Retire through our Keystone platform as either white-label or PaaS then get in touch here.

How Smart Retire works
Smart Retire has been designed to guide members through the complexity of decision making in retirement. Users will be able to access a range of retirement options to meet their individual needs, so they can manage their retirement finances in a simple, convenient way. Smart Retire does the heavy lifting for users – helping them allocate their pension savings to achieve their desired retirement outcome.
One of the key parts of Smart Retire is the ability for members to manage their money through the interactive retirement dashboard, which uses up to four purpose built "pots".
The future of global retirement
We launched Smart Retire to revolutionise the future of retirement and to help people retire their way. To accomplish this, we wanted to find out what people think about retirement. So, in partnership with YouGov, we surveyed more than 6,000 people across the UK, Australia and the USA in November 2020
Flexible income pot
A regular income in early retirement
Members can take a flexible, regular income from this pot. They can change the amount they receive each month to suit their circumstances.
Later life pot
Keep money aside for later life
By setting money aside for the later part of retirement, savings have more chance to grow. Members can use this pot to buy an annuity, so they know their pension savings won't run out.
Rainy day pot
Savings for life's unplanned expenses
This low risk pot is a place for members to keep money they might need in for one-off expenses – such as a boiler breakdown, or the holiday of a lifetime.
Inheritance pot
Leave an inheritance to your family or friends
The money in this pot can be set aside for a member to leave to their loved ones or a cause they believe in. We'll try to grow it in the meantime, so they can leave as much as possible.
Life changes
We know life can change, so Smart Retire users can change how they use the pots throughout retirement, or choose not to use a pot at all. We focus on what the money will be used for and how long it is likely to last – while providing education on how the underlying investment can help users achieve the results they're looking for.
Smart Retire will comply with the FCA Investment Pathways framework, following the FCA's Retirement Outcomes Review.
Keystone making retirement easy
To start with, Smart Retire will be available to Smart Pension users over 55 years old. To find out more about using Smart Retire for your employees, scheme or platform, get in touch below.
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