Methodology overview

Methodology overview
Fieldwork, in the form of online surveys, was undertaken in late 2022 in the United States, Australia, South Africa and the United Kingdom. Respondents to these surveys were aged 18+ with no other determining criteria. The research sought to understand current perceptions of retirement in the regions specified with relation to spending habits, preferences in retirement funding and general understanding of retirement options.

Roughly 2,000 respondents per region, over 8,000 respondents in total.
Legislation across the world is continually evolving and changing, with many countries moving towards a defined contribution savings model, where participants are responsible for funding their own retirement. This may have a significant influence on decisions people make about their pension and retirement investments, and their subsequent perceptions of pensions and saving in later life.
Please note percentages in the following tables and charts may not total 100 due to rounding and/or multiple answers selected.
See detailed breakdown of methodologies in Section 11.